Step 1.
Note: To ensure a full understanding prior to converting all of a lienholder's titles, a test of the conversion will be necessary for each lienholder desiring such conversion. If this test has been completed successfully, proceed to step #2.
To submit title conversions for test purposes, prepare a flat file, named with the lienholder's lienholder code, followed with ".txt" and containing data on the paper titles that are to be converted to electronic.
CD/DISK Record Layouts:
The Conversion CD/Disk Record Layout will consist of 100 characters per record, each left justified:
- Vehicle Identification Number (22 characters)
- *Title Number (10 characters)
- Customer (SSN) Number - 1st (12 characters, No dashes)
- *Customer (SSN) Number - 2nd (12 characters, No dashes)
- Lienholder code (5 characters), contact DMV at (804) 367-0466 for your code(s). (Example: ELT99)
- Filler (spaces) (39 characters)
* = optional
Send this CD/disk, labeled with the Lienholder Code, the DMV Job name, "DMVVU005", and the date, to the Department of Motor Vehicles, Electronic Lien Work Center. Enclose two additional blank CDs/disks, which will be used by DMV to report back to the lienholder. The first blank CD/disk is to be labeled "DMVUPDT.txt". When returned, this file will contain those titles successfully converted to electronic, and will include in order:
- The VIN (22 characters)
- The title number (10 characters)
- The first customer number (12 characters)
- The second customer number (12 characters)
- The Lienholder code (5 characters) followed by a 1 character filler
- The date that the lien was originally established (8 characters) followed by a 1 character filler
- The date that the title was issued, followed by a 1 character filler
- The make code (4 characters), followed by a 1 character filler, and
- The vehicle year (4 characters), and
- Error message (4 characters).
The second blank CD/disk is to be labeled, "DMVERRS.txt". When returned, this file will contain those titles that could not be converted, along with the appropriate error message(s), in the following format:
- The VIN (22 characters)
- The title number, for "Pending DMV Intervention" errors only. In case of other error messages, the title number cannot be included. (10 characters)
- The first customer number (12 characters)
- The second customer number (12 characters)
- The Lienholder code (5 characters) followed by a 1 character filler, and
- The appropriate error message(s)
Accompanying this submittal, enclose a cover letter containing the lienholder's name and address, the DMV job name "DMVVU005", and the number of titles to be converted.
Step 2.
To submit title conversions for non-test purposes, prepare a flat file, named with the lienholder's lienholder code, followed with ".txt" and containing data on the paper titles that are to be converted to electronic.
The CD/Disk Record Layouts are as described in step #1.
Send this CD/disk, labeled with the Lienholder Code, the DMV Job name, "DMVVU005", and the date, to the Department of Motor Vehicles, Electronic Lien Work Center. Enclose two additional blank CD/disks, which will be used by DMV to report back to the lienholder.
The first blank CD/disk is to be labeled "DMVUPDT.txt". When returned, the file will contain those titles successfully converted to electronic. This file will include the title number and the date that the lien was originally established.
The second blank CD/disk is to be labeled "DMVERRS.txt". When returned, the file will contain those titles that could not be converted, along with the appropriate error message(s).
Accompanying this submittal, enclose a cover letter containing the lienholder's name and address, the DMV job name "DMVVU005", the number of titles to be converted, and the number of CDs/disks containing title data to be converted.
DMV's Automated Interface Work Center Responsibility
Step 3.
Log in request. Deliver disks to DMV's ITS/SSG Work Center.
DMV's (information Technology/System Support Group (ITS/SSG) Responsibility
Step 4.
Have disks scanned for viruses. Virus check completed and disks scheduled to run against CSS files.
Step 5.
Run disks against CSS files and convert existing liens for Electronic Lienholder Participant to Electronic, in accordance with run instructions for "Title E-Lien Conversion Job".
Step 5A.
If first 100 consecutive records in error, job will stop and CDs/Disks will be returned to lienholder to correct.
Step 5B.
If job is successful, job will complete, printing any error messages applicable. (See attachment for sample error messages)
Step 5C.
Deliver report of records successfully completed and report of any error/rejects, to work center for action.
Step 5D.
Return report CDs/Disks to lienholder with information as specified in step #1.
DMV's Electronic Lien Work Center Responsibility
Step 6A.
Lienholder is notified that conversion was processed, and if not completely successful.
Step 6B.
Any rejects/errors are corrected with lienholder's assistance.
Step 7.
Date of completion is noted in lienholder file.
Lienholder Responsibility
Step 8.
Destroy paper documents by shredding.
End of Process
Errors that may appear on the Lienholder's Report / File Records
- FIRST 100 CONSECUTIVE RECORDS IN ERROR: The first 100 records read from the Lienholder’s file contain an error. The Bank needs to review the data sent for the errors and correct errors found.
- CUSTOMER NUMBER IS BLANK: The customer number (Social Security Number) in the first customer number field on the record equals spaces or null characters. DMV requires that this field be populated.
- CUSTOMER NUM LESS THAN 9 CHARACTERS: The customer number (Social Security Number) must be at least 9 characters. This field must have at least 9 characters.
- VIN IS BLANK: Vehicle Identification Number equals spaces or null characters. DMV requires that this field be populated.
- ELT NUMBER IS BLANK: Lienholder's code on the record equals spaces or null characters. DMV requires that this field be populated.
- ELT NUMBER DOES NOT MATCH: Lienholder's Code does not match the ELT code specified on DMV's Table #1056 for that Lienholder Code. This must match lienholder code on DMV's table. Contact DMV for proper Lienholder Codes.
- LIENHOLDER NOT ELECTRONIC: The Lienholder's record contains a Lienholder Code that does not have a ELT link on DMV's Table #1056. Must have a link on DMV's table. Contact DMV to link codes.
- PENDING DMV INTERVENTION: DMV's Title record could not be updated due to one or more of the following errors: The title's status code on the record is "Inactive", duplicate records have the same VIN on the title file, all the occurrences on the title's "Held Reason" are valued, all the occurrences of the title's status date are valued, all the occurrences of the title's lienholder code are valued, or the title record is "confidential". The lienholder will be contacted by DMV with specifics needed for resolution, and will use the title number returned for identification of the record.
- CUSTOMER NUMBER MISMATCH: The customer number on the Lienholder's record does not match the customer number on DMV's Title record. There must be a match in order to convert.
- VIN RECORD NOT FOUND: The Vehicle Identification Number cannot be found on DMV's Title file. Check VIN.
- TITLE ALREADY VALUED AS E-LIEN: The vehicle is already shown on DMV’s records as having an electronic lien for this lienholder.