Mechanics and Storage Lien Record Request

Out-of-State Mechanics and Storage Lien Record Request
The Out-of-State Mechanics and Storage Lien Record Request is a one step process for those in possession of a vehicle, trailer, or manufactured home abandoned outside Virginia who are required to notify the vehicle owner and lienholder on record in Virginia. Use this transaction to
  • Request Virginia DMV search for Virginia owners and lienholders on file
  • Request that the identified Virginia owners and lienholders be notified by certified mail of the Mechanics and Storage Lien location and contact information
  • Print a receipt stating the results of the Virginia record search. If a Virginia owner and lienholder was found, the receipt verifies that certified mail notification was sent by Virginia DMV, to the owner’s/lienholder’s last known address.
What You Will Need
  • The vehicle identification number (VIN), make and year from the vehicle. Note that the VIN you enter in the Mechanics and Storage Lien Process (MSL) must match exactly the VIN on the Mechanics and Storage Lien, trailer, or manufactured home! Be sure to enter the VIN carefully and be aware of characters that look very similar, such as the letter "O" and the number "0", the letter "I" and the number "1", the letter "Z" and the number "2", and so on. Manufacturers never assign VIN's containing the letters "O" or "I". If you cannot find the VIN plate on the vehicle, refer to the Mechanics and Storage Lien FAQs for guidance.
  • The $40.00 MSL fee is nonrefundable. We accept Discover, MasterCard, VISA or American Express. You may also use a debit card displaying the VISA or MasterCard logo.
Information Provided

Once you complete the out-of-state record request, print the MSL receipt. You may present it to the other state as proof that Virginia owners and lienholders were sent certified mail notification by Virginia DMV.

Virginia DMV cannot guarantee that a Virginia owner and/or lienholder exists on record for the VIN entered. When no Virginia owner and/or lienholder is found, you will receive a “No Virginia Record Found” receipt verifying that the search in DMV records for the VIN entered resulted in no owners and/or lienholders.

Additionally, Virginia DMV does not guarantee that the Out-of-State MSL receipt will be acceptable proof of compliance with Mechanics and Storage Lien laws in the state in which you are processing the Mechanics and Storage Lien. Please check the Mechanics and Storage Lien laws in your state.