Insurance Verification


Caught without insurance? Or need to prove insurance? Did you recently receive an Insurance Verification Inquiry or Order of Suspension from DMV? See our instructions for more information.


If your Insurance Order of Suspension is effective (in a suspended status), you are no longer eligible to use this online form to submit insurance information to DMV. You must respond by mail or visit one of our Customer Service Centers.

DMV verifies that motor vehicles are properly insured by comparing owner and vehicle identification information on file at DMV with liability information provided by insurance carriers. If no insurance coverage is found, the owner is required to furnish policy information to DMV.

What You'll Need

Be sure to have your insurance company name and policy number exactly as they appear on your insurance policy.

What to do

Enter your title number and the last 4 digits of your vehicle identification number (VIN), which can be found on your insurance verification inquiry letter or vehicle registration card.

Enter Vehicle Information: